Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alan Moore's "Light of Thy Countenance"

Blog Assignment #8-

Alan Moore’s Light of Thy Countenance is a graphic novel unlike I have ever read. I was initially confused by the story line of the novel, but Moore cleverly and slowly revealed the idea behind the story’s plot. Because the style and the graphics of this novel, some may question it’s classification of literature. At the beginning of the quarter, we talked about how we define literature. I think that Moore’s graphic novel can be identified as literature because of it’s message it sends to it’s readers and how the message is presented. Here, Alan Moore is trying to tell his readers about the significance of watching TV and how it affects our lives. On average, people spend four hours watching TV a day and can even begin to confuse the fiction we see on TV with the reality of our lives. Just like any classic novel recognized today, Alan Moore’s graphic novel has a similar layout. It leaves the reader in suspense about the outcome of the beginning events of the story. From this graphic novel, we become more aware about watching TV. Although I am not an avid TV-watcher, I have seen many people become so enthralled by a TV series and become very involved in it. As TV includes more and more information about our society and other cultures, we begin to experience them just through TV. Instead, we should go out into the world and experiences these things for ourselves. This is a more enriching way to inform ourselves about different aspects in our world. Overall, I believe Alan Moore’s graphic novel can be classified as literature because of its message sent to the readers. In all literature, I believe that the message and plot of the text is more significant than layout of the text. In this case, the message of Light of They Countenance is more important than the graphics included in it.

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